A world first begins to exist for me. Un mundo primero comienza a existir para mí.
For I am the one who brings into being for myself - and thus into being in the only sense that the word could have for me - this tradition that I choose to take up or this horizon whose distance from me would collapse were I not there to sustain it with my gaze (since this distance does not belong to the horizon as one of its properties). Scientific perspectives according to which I am a moment of the world are always naïve and hypocritical because they always imply, without mentioning it, that other perspective -the perspective of consciousness - by which a world first arranges itself around me and begins to exist for me. PHENOMENOLOGY OF PERCEPTION. Maurice Merleau-Ponty. Pues soy yo quien hace existir para mí -y por tanto en el único sentido que la palabra podría tener para mí- esa tradición que elijo retomar o ese horizonte cuya distancia respecto de mí se derrumbaría si yo no estuviera allí para sostenerlo con mi mirada (ya que esa distancia no pertenece al horizonte como una ...