
S'estan mostrant les entrades d'aquesta data: d’agost 31, 2024

Intersubjectivity in Maurice Merleau-Ponty.

PEP ASKS In the following text of Phenomenology of perception of Maurice Merleau-Ponty: "Reflective analysis is unaware of the problem of others, just as it is unaware of the problem of the world, because from the first flicker of consciousness it grants me the power to go toward a truth that is universal by right, and since the other is himself without haecceity [thisness], without place, and without a body, the Alter and the Ego are one and the same in the true world, wich is the unifier of minds. There is no difficulty in understanding how "I" can think the Other, because the "I", and consequently the Other, are not trapped in the fabric of phenomena and have a value rather than an existentce. Nothing is hidden behind these faces or these gestures, and there are no landscapes that remain inaccessible to me; there is but a touch of shadow that owes its existence to the light. For Husserl, however, we know that there is indeed a problem of others, and the al...