
S'estan mostrant les entrades d'aquesta data: d’agost 14, 2024

We dont need a soul?

NOTE. TEXT IMPROVED USING CHAT-GPT. I am currently reading Taylor Carman's foreword to Maurice Merleau-Ponty's *Phenomenology of Perception*. In this foreword, Carman discusses the ambiguous division between the objective and the subjective, a central theme in Merleau-Ponty's philosophy. Carman explains that, for Descartes, the relationship between experience and the body is not one of identity. Descartes viewed the mind and body as distinct, with the body acting as a mere vessel for the mind's experiences. In contrast, Merleau-Ponty argues that we possess a pre-reflective grasp of our own experiences, which are inherently tied to our bodies. This connection is characterized by mutual motivation, meaning that our bodily experiences and our conscious perceptions influence each other in a dynamic, non-causal way. In other words, our experiences are not just linked to our bodies conceptually or causally; they are one with our bodily existence. Carman further notes that,...