
S'estan mostrant les entrades d'aquesta data: d’agost 30, 2024

Consciousness is part of the world and distinct from the world. Maurice Merleau-Ponty.

PEP ASKS Can you explain me the folliwing text of Merleau-Ponty: "The world is not an object whose law of constitution I have in my possession; it is the natural milieu and the field of all my thoughts and of all my explicit perceptions."? CHAT GPT ANSWERS Certainly! The quote by Maurice Merleau-Ponty, a French phenomenologist, reflects his philosophical views on perception and the nature of the world as experienced by humans. Let's break it down: 1. **"The world is not an object whose law of constitution I have in my possession"**: - Here, Merleau-Ponty challenges the idea that the world is a fixed, objective entity that can be fully understood or explained by humans. Unlike some philosophical or scientific perspectives that view the world as something we can entirely grasp, analyze, and reduce to laws or formulas, Merleau-Ponty argues that the world is not an object that we can fully control or possess through our knowledge. 2. **"It is the natur...

Merleau-Ponty. The world that is given to the subject because the subject is given to himself.

PEP ASKS Can you explain me the following phrase of Merleau-Ponty: "I began to reflect, my reflection is a reflection upon an unreflected, it cannot be unaware of itself as an event, henceforth it appears as a genuine creation, as a change in the structure of consciousness, and yet this involves reconizing, prior to its own operations, the world that is given to the subject because the subject is given to himself."? Can you explain me in concrete why he says "the world that is given to the subject because the subject is given to himself"? CHAT GPT ANSWERS Merleau-Ponty's phrase is a complex expression of his phenomenological ideas, which revolve around the relationship between the subject (the self) and the world. Let’s break it down to understand the key concepts: 1. **Reflection on the Unreflected**: - When Merleau-Ponty talks about "reflection," he means the process by which we become aware of our own thoughts, perceptions, and experien...

Las dos formas de desesperación de Sören Kierkegaard aclaradas.

PEP PREGUNTA Me puedes explicar el siguiente fragmento de Sören Kierkegaard: "Una relación semejante, así derivada o punteada, es el yo del hombre: es una relación que se refiere a sí misma, y haciéndolo, a otra. De aquí surge que haya dos formas de verdadera desesperación. Si nuestro yo se hubiese planteado el mismo, no existiría más que una: no querer ser uno mismo, querer desembarazarse de su yo, y no se trataría de esta otra: la voluntad desesperada de ser uno mismo. "? CHAT GPT RESPONDE El fragmento de Søren Kierkegaard que mencionas está tomado de su obra "La enfermedad mortal" (1849). En este texto, Kierkegaard explora la noción de la desesperación, a la cual él describe como una enfermedad del espíritu, un estado en el que el ser humano se encuentra en una relación conflictiva consigo mismo. Vamos a desglosar el fragmento paso a paso: ### 1. "Una relación semejante, así derivada o punteada, es el yo del hombre: es una relación que se refiere a sí ...