The link body-world can not be obejectivated. MERLEAU-PONTY.


Can you explain me the following text of Merleau-Ponty : "The objective thought it is grounded upon my perception of the world as an individual in harmony with itself; and when science attempts to integrate my body into the relations of the objective world, it does so because it attempts, in its own way, to express the suturing of my phenomenal body onto the primordial world."?


Merleau-Ponty’s statement revolves around his ideas in *phenomenology*, particularly regarding the body, perception, and how these interact with objective science. 1. **"Objective thought"**: This refers to the way science and traditional philosophy typically conceive of the world. Objective thought treats the world as something external and independent from the observer, as if there is a clear separation between the subject (the observer) and the object (the world). 2. **"Grounded upon my perception of the world as an individual in harmony with itself"**: Merleau-Ponty is emphasizing that even objective thought starts from a basic, lived experience. As individuals, we perceive the world through our bodies, and there is a sense of harmony or unity in how we experience the world. Our subjective experience is coherent and makes sense to us, forming the basis for any further objective analysis. 3. **"When science attempts to integrate my body into the relations of the objective world"**: Here, Merleau-Ponty points out that science tries to place the human body into the objective framework—treating it as another object among objects, governed by the same physical laws as everything else in the universe. 4. **"It does so because it attempts, in its own way, to express the suturing of my phenomenal body onto the primordial world"**: Science, in attempting to objectively describe the body, is actually trying to articulate the deeper, pre-reflective connection that already exists between our bodies (which Merleau-Ponty calls the "phenomenal body") and the world we experience ("the primordial world"). The "suturing" refers to this intrinsic, lived connection between the body and the world, which science tries to capture in its own terms. ### Summary: Merleau-Ponty is saying that science and objective thought, while often treating the body and the world as separate entities, actually emerge from a more fundamental, lived experience where the body and world are already intertwined. Science attempts to describe this relationship, but it does so after the fact, trying to make explicit a connection that is already present in our immediate, bodily experience of the world. This connection is what Merleau-Ponty refers to as the "suturing" of the phenomenal body to the primordial world.


Thanks you. I think I understand, in resume, when science tries to objectivate the world, including the human being, the fact it tries to objectivate the body and his world and has to assume the previor link between the body and the world that can not be objectivated. I am right?


Yes, that's correct! In summary, you're saying that when science tries to objectify the world, including the human body, it has to rely on the pre-existing, fundamental connection between the body and the world—a connection that cannot be fully captured or objectified by scientific methods. This underlying relationship between the body and the world is something that science assumes but can't completely explain or quantify. Your understanding aligns well with Merleau-Ponty's ideas.


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