
CHAT GPT ¿Qué es un existencial?

PEP PREGUNTA ¿Qué significa un existencial en Heidegger? CHAT GPT RESPONDE En la filosofía de Martin Heidegger, un "existencial" es un término técnico que se refiere a las características fundamentales del ser humano o "Dasein" (ser-ahí) en su existencia concreta. En Ser y tiempo, Heidegger distingue entre existenciales y categorías: mientras que las categorías son conceptos aplicables a los objetos o seres no humanos, los existenciales describen el modo de ser único del Dasein. Los existenciales son las estructuras ontológicas que definen cómo el Dasein experimenta su propia existencia. Algunos ejemplos de existenciales en Ser y tiempo incluyen: 1. Ser-en-el-mundo (In-der-Welt-sein): Esta estructura indica que el Dasein siempre está en una relación de apertura con el mundo y no es un ser aislado. 2. Ser-con (Mitsein): El Dasein es inherentemente un ser-con-otros, lo que significa que su existencia está entrelazada con la de otros seres humanos. 3. Preocupa

CHAT GPT ¿Qué significa que la existencia precede a la esencia?

PEP PREGUNTA ¿Por qué en el existencialismo la existencia precede a la esencia? ¿Qué significa que la existencia precede a la esencia? CHAT GPT RESPONDE En el existencialismo, cuando se dice que "la existencia precede a la esencia," se plantea una idea fundamental: que los seres humanos primero existimos y, solo después, construimos nuestra esencia o identidad a través de nuestras decisiones y experiencias. Este enfoque invierte la noción tradicional de la filosofía clásica, donde la "esencia" o la naturaleza de algo era entendida como una realidad dada y fija, algo que existe antes de la manifestación concreta del ser. Para comprenderlo mejor: 1. Esencia como algo dado: En muchas corrientes filosóficas anteriores, se creía que cada cosa y cada persona tenía una esencia predeterminada, una naturaleza o propósito intrínseco que definía lo que debía ser. Por ejemplo, una silla se construye con la "esencia" de servir para sentarse, y así su propósito

Les idees del Dimoni.

De vegades tenc idees que venen del Dimoni i he d'apredre a detectar-les. Quan venen del Dimoni és quan les idees no respecten la llei d'amor al pròxim com a un mateix i a Déu sobre totes les coses. Les idees del Dimoni no donen pau duradora a l'ànim.

Merleau-Ponty meaningful being and the artificial intelligence.

PEP ASKS In the following phrase of Merleau-Ponty: «Then the organism, in turn, confronts the physico-chemical analysis not with the actual difficulties of a complex object, but with the in principle difficulties of a meaningful being.» what he meants to say by meaningful being? CHAT GPT ANSWERS In this passage, Merleau-Ponty is suggesting that the organism, or the living body, cannot be fully understood through just "physico-chemical analysis" (i.e., breaking it down into its purely physical and chemical components). The "meaningful being" refers to the way the organism presents itself not as a mere collection of biochemical processes, but as something inherently meaningful in its structure and function, as it engages with and interprets the world. For Merleau-Ponty, the living organism embodies meaning because it interacts purposefully with its environment. This meaning arises not merely from its physical components but from the coordinated, intentional behav

Resum d'una entrevista a Viktor Frankl.

[19/10 10:01] Pep Miralles Martorell: En Viktor Frankl que va estar tancat en un camp de concentració Nazi parla de que podem trobar sentit a les nostres vides: - Fent coses, fent feina. - Experimentant coses belles o persones estimades. - I en cas que estiguem impedits i no poguem fer res de tot això podem elegir amb quina actitut ens enfrontam al sofriment o a la mort. [19/10 10:01] Pep Miralles Martorell: Diu que en contra de la transitorietat de les nostres vides i el nostre apropament a la mort pot dir que en el passat res es perd sinó que queda emmagatzemat per sempre tant per bé com per mal.

Truth, memory and others. Merleau-Ponty.

PEP ASKS Can you explain me the following text of Phenomeology of perception of Maurice Merleau-Ponty in special when he says "this would certainly suppress the problem of others and of the world..." because I do not see how he makes this inference? «But in reality, I would not know that I possess a true idea were I unable to link the present evidentness to the evidentness of the previous moment through memory, or were I unable to link what is evident for me to what is evident for others through the linguistic encounter – such that Spinozist self-evidence presupposes the evidentness of memory and of perception. If, on the other hand, we want to base the constitution of the past and of others on my power of recognizing the intrinsic truth of the idea, this would certainly suppress the problem of others and of the world, but only because we remain in the natural attitude that takes them as given and because we make use of the forces of naïve certainty.» CHAT GPT ANSWERS In t

Merleau-Ponty point of view versus Intellectualism on one example.

PEP ASKS In the following example put by Maurice Merleau-Ponty in his book Phenomenology of perception: "d. A large cardboard box appears heavier to me than a small box made of the same cardboard and, limiting myself to phenomena, I would say that in advance I sense it as heavier in my hand. But intellectualism defines sensing as the action of a real stimulus upon my body. Since there is no real stimulus here, it will thus be necessary to say that the box is not sensed, but judged to be heavier, and this example that appeared ready-made for showing the sensible appearance of the illusion serves, on the contrary, to show that there is no sensible knowledge and that one senses insofar as one judges." I do not see why this example appeared ready-made for showing the sensible appearance of the illusion. Can you help me to understand? CHAT GPT ANSWERS In this passage from Phenomenology of Perception, Merleau-Ponty is contrasting the perspectives of "intellectualism" a